Cellular Panel Casting
LAM Panel construction in a cellular concrete manufacturing plant. Panels delivered to the jobsite can be finished at site, OR in the...

Cellular Concrete Panels Wind & Bullet Testing
Natural disasters, resource constraints and new patterns of development require companies and governments to plan for energy and other...

Dubai Fire Warrants Fireproof Construction
Vicon Cellular Concrete Panels: Structural, AND Fireproof, NEEDED Globally Vicon Cellular Concrete cladding and panel systems: Fireproof,...

GFRC with Cellular Concrete Backup
GFRC Glas Fiber reinforced Concrete has been around many years and is a good lightweight trim, better than styrofoam. However-- larger...

Cellular Concrete Eco Conctruction
Cellular Concrete Housing Systems are sold by Vicon Eco Systems to devlopers, We have a structural rating from our many years of testing...

Cellular Concrete Engineering Specifications ACI ASTM
ACI-- American Concrete Institute published our structural Cellular Concrete specifications in ACI 523 Report in 2014. Click this link to...